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Changing Your Hearing Aid Batteries - Learn More Here

In This Post Find Out About Changing Your Hearing Aid Batteries: When and How to Do It. Learn More Here. We hope you enjoy this post..

Changing Your Hearing Aid Batteries: When and How to Do It

Think your hearing aids might be running low on battery? Take a look at this guide to learn when and how to change your hearing aid batteries.

Keyword(s): hearing aid batteries

Millions of Americans suffer from some level of hearing loss and could benefit from hearing aids, but only about 20 percent of them actually wear them.

Of that 20 percent, many people don't make proper hearing aid maintenance a priority.

What does hearing aid maintenance entail? It includes basics like cleaning, but it also includes changing the batteries on a regular basis.

When was the last time you changed the batteries for your hearing aids? Do you feel confident in your ability to do this? If not, keep reading.

Listed below are some guidelines that will help you learn the ins and outs of changing your hearing aid batteries.

Types of Hearing Aid Batteries

There are two main types of batteries used in hearing aids.

The first, and most popular, is a zinc-air button battery. This is a small battery that is activated when it comes in contact with the air.

The other option is a rechargeable battery.

Rechargeable batteries are used less often for hearing aids. The main reason for this is that most rechargeable batteries are too small and too weak to power hearing aids long-term. Most last only about a day.

Hearing Aid Battery Sizes

Batteries for hearing aids also come in a variety of sizes, including the following, which are listed from the smallest to the largest:

  • 5

  • 10

  • 312

  • 13

  • 675

Because they're so small, size five hearing aid batteries do not get used very often. The other sizes are much more common.

Keep in mind that the larger a hearing aid is, the larger the battery will need to be in order to power it. People who have severe hearing loss often require larger batteries for their hearing aids, too.

How Often Should You Change Your Batteries?

Regular battery changes will help you avoid finding yourself in a situation in which you can't hear but wish you could. But, how often are you supposed to change your batteries?

Average Battery Lifespan

Generally speaking, the lifespan of a hearing aid battery is about one week.

However, there is some variability depending on the size of the battery.

For example, larger batteries (which are typically used in behind-the-ear aids) tend to have a longer lifespan than smaller batteries. This, combined with the fact that they're often more affordable, is why many people prefer behind-the-ear hearing aids.

People who only wear their hearing aids on certain occasions also don't need to change their batteries as frequently.

Signs It's Time to Change Your Batteries

There are certain signs you'll notice when it comes time to change the batteries in your hearing aids. Some common signs to listen for include:

  • A decrease in the effectiveness of your hearing aids

  • Sound distortion

  • A beeping sound

Once hearing aid batteries start to reach the end of their lifespan, they lose power quickly.

Because of this, it's good to keep a backup pair in your purse or backpack at all times. That way, if you notice the sound starting to distort or hear an alarm, you can change the batteries and avoid being stuck in a situation where you can't hear well.

The Correct Way to Change Your Batteries

Okay, you get that regular battery changes are important, and you know which signs to listen for. But, how do you actually change your hearing aid batteries?

The process for changing the batteries will be the same whether you're wearing behind-the-ear hearing aids or in-the-ear hearing aids.

Follow these steps when changing the batteries:

  • Open the battery drawer all the way and remove the old battery

  • Take the new battery and remove the sticky label covering the + side

  • Insert the new battery into the battery drawer, making sure that the + side is facing up

  • Close the battery drawer

Once you've finished, hold the earpiece up to your ear. You should hear a jingle that indicates the battery has been replaced correctly.

How to Lengthen the Lifespan of Your Batteries

It's not exactly difficult to change the batteries in your hearing aids. But, most people still find the process to be a bit irritating (it doesn't help that your batteries seem to always run out of steam at the most inconvenient times, right?).

There are some different steps you can take to lengthen the lifespan of your batteries, including the following:

  • Always turn your hearing aids off when you are not wearing them

  • Keep the door to the battery drawer open when you're not wearing your hearing aids

  • Don't store your batteries in the bathroom (they can get too hot in here, which can negatively affect their lifespan)

  • Don't store your batteries in the refrigerator or freezer, either (condensation can build up and get under the seal, damaging your batteries)

  • Store your batteries at room temperature and make sure they stay dry

  • Wait 3-5 minutes before putting new batteries in the battery drawer (this gives them time to activate fully before you start using them)

  • Don't let your hearing aid batteries come in contact with metal (coins, keys, etc.)

  • Wash your hands before changing the batteries (dirt and grease from your fingers can clog the battery's air pores

Don't forget to check the expiration date on your batteries, either. When batteries are close to or past their expiration date, they'll be less powerful and won't last as long.

Ideally, you'll only buy batteries that expire a year out or further from the date on which you purchase them.

Do You Need to Replace Your Batteries?

Now that you know more about how often and how to change your hearing aid batteries, it's time to start making sure hearing aid maintenance is a top priority.

After all, those things were probably pretty expensive. Don't you want to do what you can to keep them working as well as possible?

Is it time for you to replace your hearing aid batteries? Do you want to make the process as simple and convenient as possible? We can help with that.

Order your batteries online today from the comfort of your own home and have them delivered right to your door.

We've also got you covered for when it's time to replace your hearing aids. You can order them directly from our site!

Read more:

Hereditary Hearing Loss — Everything You Need to Know

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